A young man called John Henry Nichols came to Australia on a sailing ship from England. He found a job as an overseer. He met and fell in love with Mary and wed in 1853.
John Henry was an extremely hard worker and one day when he had chased some wayward bulls via horse, one of the mavericks turned and charged at him. With the horse now in a panic, he was bolted off and luckily fell only a few feet from a tree. He quickly scrambled up the tree to safety. John Henry stayed up in that tree all afternoon and well into the night to avoid a potentially disastrous meeting with the bull. Early in the morning a search party came to find him settled up the tree.
One of the lads in the search party then said “Let’s call here Nichols Point eh mates; the bull has had a win.” And ever since the area has kept its name.
John Henry Nichols died 8 March 1914 and Mary in December 1920. They both were laid to rest within the Nichols Point Cemetery.
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